Working for a More Sustainable Mount Rainier Maryland

Tag: Biking

Capital Bikeshare is Here


You may have noticed some shiny new red bikes at the Park and Ride on Perry and 35th Street.  That is one of the first five Capital Bikeshare Stations in Prince George’s County. It opened on May 18th and should be the first of three stations in Mount Rainier.

Capital Bikeshare, CaBi for short, allows you to rent bikes for short trips as long as you are headed somewhere in the DC area with a CaBi station.  CaBi is a great way to try out biking in the city, an affordable way to commute, and good exercise. Some employers even offer commuting benefits for CaBi users.

So you wanna ride – what do you do?   

  1. Join online at or buy a short-term pass at a kiosk.
  2. Find a bike nearby, and get a ride code or use your bike key to unlock it.
  3. Take as many short trips as you want while your pass or membership is active.
  4. Return your bike at any station and make sure it is locked up.

Some nearby CaBi stations you may want to head to:

  1. Brookland Metro Station
  2. Rhode Island Ave. Metro Station
  3. Downtown Hyattsville
  4. Woodbridge Library
  5. The Arboretum
  6. Any other station mapped here –
  7. And … in the future, the two stations planned for Kaywood and PG Pool

Get your ride on Mounties!



Bicycle Master Plan

In February 2016, the Green Team developed a Bicycle Master Plan for the City that was later adopted by the the City Council. You can read the report here – Mount Rainier Bicycle Master Plan.

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