Working for a More Sustainable Mount Rainier Maryland

Tag: Native Plants

Pictures from the Native Plant Talk with Linda DeGraf

Did you miss the native plant talk with artist, naturalist, and former resident of Mount Rainier Linda DeGraf?  Well we can’t go back and impart the great knowledge to you from the talk, but we can at least share some great pictures from the event.




Pictures from the 2018 Fall Clean Up Green Up

Thanks to the 12 volunteers, including the 4 service learning hour students who came out on October 20th to remove invasives, weed, mulch and plant native bushes at the Mount Rainier South Park.

2018 Fall Clean Up Green Up – Mt Rainier South Park

The Mount Rainier Green Team will be hosting a Clean Up Green Up of the Mount Rainier South Park on 10/20 from 9-12.  We will be weeding the pollinator garden, planting some native bushes, mulching and picking up litter.

And We Need You To Help!

Clean Up, Green Up, is sponsored by Prince George’s County in collaboration with Keep Prince George’s County Beautiful, Prince George’s County Public Schools and the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, demonstrates our shared commitment to keeping our communities appealing and attractive.

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