Working for a More Sustainable Mount Rainier Maryland

Tag: Solar Power

So How Was That Solar Party?

We had a great turnout at the Solar Party at Joe’s on October 20th. We had three great talks, great food and beer, and a good time learning about solar.

If you missed the event or just want to share the talks with your friends here is the video:

And some pictures…

#GREENisLife – Solar Testimonial #2

Doug talks to Brett Sherman about his experience purchasing solar panels for his Mount Rainier home and discusses the financial benefits of panel installation.  A third great way to learn a little more about going solar before heading out to the Solar Party at Joe’s on 10/18.


#GREENisLife – Solar Testimonial #1

Doug talks to Marek Posard about his experience purchasing solar panels for his Mount Rainier home and gives tips for how to go about owning your own panels.  Another great way to learn a little more about going solar before heading out to the Solar Party at Joe’s on 10/18.


#GREENisLIFE – ABCs of Going Solar

Host Doug Adams talks to Jackson Leas about the basics for going solar for home owners and renters.  Great way to learn a little more about going solar before heading out to the Solar Party at Joe’s on 10/18.

Some of the links Jackson talked about:

Mount Rainier Solar Party

The Green Team is gearing up for a Solar Party and you are invited. The Party will be on Thursday, October 18 from 7-9 PM at Joe’s Movement Emporium.

There were be several solar vendors there to explain what they do and how you can go solar. This event is not just for homeowners with no trees, some of the options are geared towards renters or shaded houses.

Some of the vendors scheduled are:

There will also be music, videos, and refreshments, including solar powered beer from Atlas Brewery.

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