Until September 10, 2018, the City of Mount Rainier and the Prince George’s County Department of the Environment are offering discounted 50-gallon rain barrels. Barrels cost $67.50. This discounted rate is only available through Sept 10, 2018.
Order your rain barrel at www.rainbarrelprogram.org/mtrainier and take it home on Saturday, September 15 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Mount Rainier Public Works, 3715 Wells Avenue, Mount Rainier MD 20712.
Prince George’s County residents can apply for a Rain Check rebate, off-setting most of the cost! After the Rain Check Rebate, your only cost is for the gutter attachment! (https://cbtrust.org/grants/prince-georges-county-rain-check-rebate/)
To learn more, please contact Rocio Latorre at 301-985-6583 or rlatorre@mountrainiermd.org.
Another bonus, on September 15 starting at 9:00 a.m. – the City of Mount Rainier and the City of Mount Rainier Green Team are hosting an E-Waste and Polystyrene Drop Off (https://www.facebook.com/events/2044816975763515/) so you can drop off your waste, and take home your rain barrel on the same day.